I forgot to post the obligatory Happy New Years blog post, so I’m posting today.
And, since most people use this time of year to make resolutions and huge proclamations for their blogs, I want to let you know what I have planned out for 2013.
- First, I am going to publish posts much more consistently.
- Although, the theme of the blog is generally about philanthropy, I want to use this platform to further explore social entrepreneurship, innovation, food justice, urbanism, technology and collective impact. Yes, I know it’s an eclectic combination of topics, but they are important to me.
- Also, I am going to include more audio and/or visual elements within my posts. Text can be engaging content, but text coupled a visual will make this blog better. It’s also a great excuse for me to practice my photography. Ultimately, If I’m going to
complainbe critical of philanthropy not using media and technology enough, I believe I should at least practice it on my blog. So, stay tuned for more photos, videos and sound recordings. - However, I am most excited to talk with more people. In the next few months, I plan to publish interviews and conversations about people doing interesting work in the philanthropy or non-profit sector. If you know anyone I should feature, email me.
Cheers to a happy 2013!
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