Because of this, the National Institute of National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), part of the National Institutes of Health has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the issue. I think their slogan, “It’s A Noisy Planet: Protect Their Hearing,” is rather catchy.
Today’s post comes from, John O’Connor, read his blog at bloggingwjohno.blogspot.com
Help Your Hearing Later by Making Lifestyle Changes Now
When it comes to discussions about making lifestyle changes, some people are gung ho for it and other people cringe in dread. Sometimes, all a person needs is a little bit of information to learn just how much a few minor lifestyle changes can positively benefit them, both now and later.
A person’s hearing in their later years is often dependent on how they have lived previously. While there are many illnesses and natural causes and accidents that can damage a person’s ability to hear, there are also many lifestyle choices people make that play an important role in determining how well they can hear.
Use Electronics Responsibly to Help Protect Your Hearing
In modern times, electronics play an important part of millions of lives. Not only do people use cell phones and typically have them either attached to their bodies or resting within arm’s reach, but many people also go through their daily lives with cell phone ear pieces attached to their ears. Having this constant noise at a moderate or high volume be a consistent part of a person’s life can damage a person’s ability to hear. Keeping cell phone volumes turned as low as possible and refusing to wear ear pieces except when it is absolutely necessary is a great action to take to help protect hearing ability.
Listening to music, playing video games, and watching TV are other activities that millions of people participate in on a daily basis. Many times, people are talking during the activities and the volume steadily gets pushed higher to hear the sound over other noises in a home. Becoming aware of volume and making a deliberate effort to keep all volumes at a low or medium sound level can help to protect the hearing of every person in the home. This is also a great action parents can take to help educate their children about the importance of volume on electronics and how it can affect their hearing.
Develop New Patterns for You and Your Family
Teaching children and teenagers about the potential damage loud music and other forms of media can cause to a person’s hearing is a fantastic tool to depart to your children. When children and teens learn at an early age how to be responsible and use electronics wisely, they will begin establishing healthy patterns and making smart choices when it comes to the way they use their electronics. This will provide them with multiple benefits over the course of their lives.
While it may be necessary for a person to wear a hearing aid to help restore partial hearing ability that has been lost, there are also numerous things parents can do to educate their children about electronics and how to protect their ears and their hearing.
To learn more about the campaign, visit the Noisy Planet. The website is a highly-informative and easy-to-read government resource that gives parents tips on how to help control the noise their families are exposed to.